Soneva Soul: A Tranquil Haven Of Wellness At Soneva Jani & Soneva FushiSoneva Soul: A Tranquil Haven Of Wellness At Soneva Jani & Soneva Fushi

Soneva Soul: A Tranquil Haven Of Wellness At Soneva Jani & Soneva Fushi

Our founder embarks on a naturopathic, TCM and Ayurveda wellness adventure at Soneva Soul at Soneva Jani and Soneva Fushi in the Maldives.

Image courtesy of Soneva

Nestled in the idyllic landscapes of Soneva Jani and Soneva Fushi, Soneva Soul stands as a tranquil haven of wellness, captivating guests with its extraordinary offerings. This extraordinary retreat, steeped in luxury and sustainability, transcends the boundaries of traditional wellness experiences. With a harmonious blend of naturopathy, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Soneva Soul offers a transformative journey that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit.

At the core of Soneva Soul’s philosophy lies Sonu Shivdasani, the visionary founder whose personal wellness journey has shaped this remarkable sanctuary. Sonu’s unwavering commitment to holistic well-being stems from his own transformative experiences, inspiring him to create sanctuaries where guests can embark on their own wellness journeys. Sonu’s dedication to wellness extends beyond the retreats, as he actively supports cancer research and advocates for a holistic approach to recovery, drawing from his own battle with cancer.

Soneva Soul boasts an impressive roster of practitioners, each specialising in naturopathy, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). These experts bring their profound knowledge and expertise to the retreat, offering guests a holistic approach to well-being.

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Image courtesy of Soneva

Naturopathy practitioners at Soneva Soul adopt a comprehensive approach, focusing on the body’s innate healing abilities and natural remedies. Through personalised consultations, they craft bespoke treatment plans that incorporate herbal medicine, nutritional guidance, and lifestyle modifications to restore balance and vitality.

Ayurveda practitioners delve into the ancient Indian healing system, customising treatments based on individual body types or doshas. From rejuvenating massages to detoxifying therapies and specialised diets, Ayurvedic treatments aim to harmonise the body, mind, and spirit.

TCM practitioners at Soneva Soul draw upon the principles of this traditional Chinese healing system, which emphasises the flow of Qi (vital energy) in the body. Through acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary advice, and therapeutic exercises, TCM practitioners restore balance and promote overall well-being.

Pilates at Soneva Jani | Image courtesy of Soneva Soul

In addition to the expertise of these practitioners, Soneva Soul offers a range of signature treatments that epitomise the retreat’s commitment to exceptional wellness experiences. One standout offering is the special oxygen therapy, harnessing the healing power of oxygen to rejuvenate the body and enhance overall vitality. These invigorating treatments deliver a surge of oxygen to the cells, promoting healing, boosting energy levels, and improving overall well-being. 

Toksen Treatment at Soneva Soul | Image courtesy of Soneva

Exciting news at Soneva Soul includes the introduction of an innovative stem cell therapy, marking a significant milestone in the retreat’s commitment to cutting-edge wellness. This groundbreaking treatment involves the regeneration and repair of damaged cells using stem cells sourced from the guest’s body. Administered by skilled doctors at each property, this therapy has the potential to enhance healing, promote rejuvenation, and restore vitality.

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Soneva Soul’s retreat programmes are meticulously curated to address the diverse needs of guests, providing immersive experiences that leave a lasting impact. From mindfulness and yoga to holistic healing, these programmes offer guests an opportunity to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation. Expert instructors guide participants through yoga and meditation sessions, mindfulness practices, and educational workshops, fostering a profound connection with oneself.

Image courtesy of Soneva

Soneva Soul recognises the importance of making wellness a family affair. The retreat offers a range of family-friendly elements, ensuring that parents and children can embark on their wellness journeys together. The spa menu for children features gentle and nurturing treatments designed specifically for young guests, introducing them to the principles of self-care and well-being from an early age.

Dien Chan treatment with Wellness specialist Alex Scrimgeour | Image courtesy of Soneva Soul

At Soneva Jani and Soneva Fushi, sustainability lies at the core of the retreat’s ethos. These properties are committed to minimising their environmental impact and have implemented innovative practices to achieve this goal. One notable aspect is their dedication to growing their own produce, ensuring that the ingredients served are fresh, organic, and sustainably sourced. Guests can savour exquisite meals crafted from the retreat’s own gardens, further enhancing the connection between nature, nutrition, and well-being.

Image courtesy of Soneva Soul

Soneva Soul at Soneva Jani and Soneva Fushi stands as a testament to the art of holistic wellness, offering guests an unparalleled sanctuary to rejuvenate their mind, body, and soul. With a team of exceptional practitioners specialising in naturopathy, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine, guests can embark on personalised wellness journeys tailored to their unique needs. The retreat’s signature treatments, including special oxygen therapy, provide transformative experiences that promote vitality and well-being.

Soneva Soul truly embodies the vision of its founder, Sonu Shivdasani, who has not only overcome personal health challenges but also champions a holistic approach to well-being. With family-friendly elements and a strong commitment to sustainability, Soneva Soul invites guests to embark on a wellness journey that extends beyond the individual, fostering a deep connection with oneself, loved ones, and the natural world.

Dervla Louli


Dervla Louli is the Founder of wellness travel portal and a Digital Editorial Consultant based in Hong Kong. She was formerly the Digital Editor of Hong Kong Tatler, the Director of Integrated Content at Edipresse Media Asia and the Managing Editor of Sassy Media Group. She has moderated events at The British Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong University and Swire Hotels, and was the youngest panel member invited to speak at the Goldman Sachs' International Luxury Conference in 2013. She is a member of the Global Shaper Community, part of the World Economic Forum and a certified yoga teacher.

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