Astrology 101 With Author Narayana Montúfar Of ‘Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power’Astrology 101 With Author Narayana Montúfar Of 'Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power'

Astrology 101 With Author Narayana Montúfar Of ‘Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power’

There are numerous common misconceptions on astrology—like how horoscopes often equate to astrology when in fact they aren’t the same at all. Astrology has been practiced for thousands of years internationally and is sacred in its own practice. Astrologist, artist and author of new book Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power(available for pre-order) Narayana Montúfar shares with us how she got into her career and how astrology has helped her to heal.

Image courtesy of Narayana Montufar

How did you start your career in astrology?My career in media is what drove me to astrology. Before finding astrology, I worked for local San Francisco lifestyle magazines and record labels. Then I applied for an editorial position at Inc., which is when I started learning about the language of the stars. Little by little, I became more intrigued about my own zodiac sign and began realising there was so much more to astrology than just horoscopes. Over the course of 10 years, I held different editorial positions, which culminated with the realisation that I needed to shift my focus in order to become an astrologer. I took several classes and workshops and started giving private readings to some of my friends and acquittances per their request, and that’s how it all began. 

What’s a common misconception in astrology? There are two big misconceptions about astrology. The first one is that it is a belief system based on fortune-telling that predicts your destiny. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Astrology is a language of energy that seeks personal empowerment and healing by attuning us to our strengths in order to co-create with the forces of the universe.

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Image courtesy of Narayana Montufar

The second one is that horoscopes are astrology. Horoscopes are only about a hundred years old, while astrology is thousands of years old and has been practiced all over the world in many different cultures. Because astrology is unique to each one of us (through the birth chart), horoscopes are the way newspapers and magazines found a way to bring astrology to the masses. And while they serve their purpose, they fall short of delivering the sacred gift of astrology. 

What’s the best thing about astrology? The best thing about astrology is how it brings people’s healing and empowerment, and how that reflects in their future journey. Because society tends to put people in boxes, astrology allows us to connect with our own essence so we can better make use of our unique gifts and talents.

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Image courtesy of Narayana Montufar

Astrology allows us to connect to our true potential and find periods of opportunity to assert ourselves. But it’s important to know that working with astrology requires more than just a one-off. Working with the energy of the archetypes each one of us as a connection with requires time, awareness, and dedication. 

What inspired you to start your journey to healing with astrology? I had always been curious about astrology, so when the opportunity to learn more about it was given to me, I didn’t even hesitate in exploring it. I knew there was so much gold to be mined there, and my intuition was right. 

Astrology helped me realise that the trauma I had previously experienced wasn’t my fault and that I needed to search for other practices that would help my soul to heal. And that is exactly what I did. I learned Reiki and explored Tarot and other practices that helped me overcome what had been preventing me from moving my life forward. 

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How can one reconnect with loved ones/new people through astrology?One of the gifts astrology brings is self-acceptance and the fact that we are all unique and different. Through astrology, we can better understand not only our family but everyone else around us. It helps us understand their needs, motivations, and non-negotiables. It allows us to make room for our relationships to grow based on what particularly connects us to them. 

The same goes when it comes to new people. Astrology makes us realise that we tend to attract the people who will help us see the best in us, which even gets kind of trippy sometimes. Both our friends as well as our family members are somewhat on the same energetic journey as us, and astrology can really pinpoint this.

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Image courtesy of Unsplash

Why is it important to integrate astrology into our daily lives? There are two reasons why it’s so vital to integrate astrology into our daily lives. The first one is to give our body what it needs to function at its best, which is usually done with practical lifestyle changes. The second reason is to honour the cycles of nature and the Moon, which is considered to be the mother of astrology. When we attune to her rhythms, we bring more flow and nurturing into our lives.

Find out more about Narayana’s work and follow her on Instagram

Pre-order her book: Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power

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