How To Manage & Reduce Stress For Healthier WellbeingHow To Manage & Reduce Stress For Healthier Wellbeing

How To Manage & Reduce Stress For Healthier Wellbeing

Stress is one of the most common problems amongst adults, used as a reaction to factors from work to home life. Defined as “mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances”, stress can affect concentration, physical and mental health, if not taken care of properly. Trying different methods to find the best way to cope is essential and differs depending on the person, yet is best managed when dealt with front-on. Ultimate Performance personal trainer Matthew Leeb shares a few tips on how to manage and reduce stress for healthier, happier wellbeing.

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How it works

No matter what physical or emotional stress you subject yourself to, your body will respond the same way to stress. The adrenal cortex increases cortisol secretion and the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) will increase. Repeated or chronic stress leads to high levels of circulating cortisol in your body which is linked to numerous physiological consequences including chronic fatigue, immune suppression, and fat storage. Therefore, it’s important to balance acute stressors (weight training, HIIT, etc.) with recovery inducing activities (sleeping, low-intensity exercise, etc.) whilst managing chronic stressors (work, home, relationships, etc.). 

Identify what is causing your stress

Once you have identified your triggers, start thinking about strategies for dealing with them. Start addressing the stressors within your control. For example, if stress prevents you from falling asleep, a potential solution is to turn off your phone and electronics an hour before bed to let your mind wind down. For the stressors that are outside of your control, think about how you will react to those situations. Maintaining a positive attitude, utilising breathing techniques, and seeking help from family and friends will help manage and mitigate the impact of stressful circumstances.

See also: 5 Luxury Anti-Stress Retreats To Deal With Your Burnout

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Organize your schedule a week in advance

Schedule everything—from your meals, your exercise, any work and home priorities, and personal time for relaxation. Having a structure or routine to your day will help prevent last-minute rushing and ground you on a firm foundation from how to respond to new situations that crop up.

Prioritize your health and wellbeing

It is too often the case that people neglect their health until there is a problem. A preventative approach is much better than a reactive one and could end up costing you a lot less in the long run. Prioritise your health now by proactively engaging in exercise and improving your nutritional awareness. A healthy body and mind are your greatest weapons against stress, so be sure to block out personal time in your schedule for self-care. On a daily basis, this may include setting aside time to workout, reading a book, or interacting with family members or pets. Several more indulgent ideas include getting a massage, taking up a hobby, and booking a wellness retreat.   

See also: When To Get Help For Your Mental Health & Why Early Intervention Matters

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Eat a balanced diet and consider select supplements

Many of the physiological consequences of stress can be mitigated through proper nutrition. Choosing foods that are low in calories and nutrient-dense can enable your body to appropriately manage insulin throughout the day and combat high levels of cortisol. Furthermore, supplementation with fish oil and magnesium have both been shown to improve mood and improve anti-anxiety effects. Additionally, a group of herbs referred to as ‘adaptogens’ are believed to help the body adapt to stress and function more normally in response—these include Rhodiola, ashwagandha, and ginseng. Always consult your doctor before taking herbal supplements and purchase only from reputable sources.   

See also: 5 Virtual Therapy Platforms For Remote Mental Wellbeing

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Practice mindfulness and gratitude

Try utilising applications like Calm or Headspace for guided assistance with meditation, self-awareness, and relaxation to help melt stress away. It is also helpful to develop your sense of gratitude for the blessings around you by putting your situation into perspective. Write down five things you are thankful for in order to reinvigorate positivity and remind yourself of the bigger picture.

See also: 9 Wellness Retreat Experts on Their Favourite Apps

For more information on meeting your weight and fitness goals or to learn more about Ultimate Performance, check out

Matthew Leeb

Matt Leeb is the Head of Education at Ultimate Performance Hong Kong. His role involves leading team educational meetings, mentoring colleagues, and helping busy executives achieve their body composition goals by delivering efficient and bespoke 12-week transformation experiences. His athletic background is in collegiate track and field and he holds a fitness certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

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